Witam szanowne państwo-draństwo na Danse Macabre i zapraszam do lektury oraz komentowania kolejnego wydania Zebranych z tygodnia, cyklu który na blogu ukazuje się od #268 tygodni. Znajdziecie tutaj galerie, nowości, poradniki oraz recenzje, podsumowania i ciekawostki związane głównie z uniwersum Warhammer Fantasy, choć nie tylko...
Zobaczcie także co wydarzyło się
sto i dwieście tygodni temu: |
I greet you cordially on the Danse Macabre and invite you to careful reading and bold commenting the next release Chosen of the week, this cycle appears on the blog since #268 weeks. Reading the Chosen of the week you will find galleries, news, tutorials and reviews, summaries and interesting facts related mainly to the Warhammer Fantasy universe, but not only...
Look also what happened
one hundred and two hundred weeks ago: |
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And that's all for today. If you liked this entry share post and leave mark by clicking on the stars, squares and other G+1 or FB like it !. And if you find the web links to interesting galleries, news, guides, reviews, interesting facts, or they do publish a very interesting one entry on your blog please write boldly comments on this entry. |
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